Three Signs You May Need A Root Canal

A root canal is a type of dental procedure that removes the root of a tooth that has become seriously infected and replaces it with a filling, effectively preventing further decay and dental problems. They can save infected teeth that are quickly deteriorating if completed early enough and prevent the infection from spreading, which is why it's important that you know what to watch out for to determine when you may have an infection that could require a root canal.

Symptoms of a Serious Tooth Infection

  • Tooth discoloration: One of the first and easiest to spot signs that you may be suffering from a tooth infection is if you find that one of your teeth has suddenly and inexplicably changed color. Infections can cause teeth to lose their white color, slowly turning a dark gray or dark yellow as the decay sets in. This should be noticeable when compared to natural yellowing: an infected tooth will look markedly different from the teeth immediately adjacent to it.
  • Gum issues: An infection in the root of your tooth will also likely cause a variety of problems for the gums around the infected tooth. Look out for a section of your gums that bleeds extremely easily when brushing or flushing compared to the rest of your gums. Further, you may notice a small bump that looks like a blackhead next to the infected tooth, and the gums around it may be bright red and swollen.
  • Chronic pain: Finally, the last and most obvious sign of a root infection is a constant toothache that is extremely severe. Root infections will affect the nerve of the tooth, which means that it may be incredibly painful to chew with that tooth, expose it to any sort of liquid or temperature, or even touch it with your finger. This can be a major disruption to everyday activities, and the pain can become so bad as to prevent you from working or even sleeping. Addressing it quickly is essential, since infections can spread to other teeth if left untreated for long enough.

Keep in mind that these are only symptoms of dental problems: you may not necessarily need a root canal. However, the presence of one or more of these symptoms does indicate that there is an issue with your dental health, and you should get in touch with your dentist, such as at Hayden  Dental , to determine the best course of action moving forward.

About Me

FAQs About Pregnancy and Dental Health

During pregnancy, expectant mothers have to deal with a host of changes to their bodies. I was surprised to learn that part of those changes is to your dental health. I was not aware that hormonal changes could mean an increased risk of gum infection and other dental problems. Luckily for me, my dentist was prepared to handle any problems that I experienced during my pregnancy. I created this blog to help other expectant mothers understand the changes that their dental health could experience throughout their pregnancies and the possible ramifications those changes could have on their pregnancies and the health of their unborn children.



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