A Few Common Questions Concerning Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom tooth extractions are a fairly common dental procedures for individuals to need. However, if your dentist has recently informed you of the need to have your wisdom teeth removed, you may need some questions answered so that you can make informed choices for your dental health.

Why Do You Need To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

It can be common for patients to attempt to delay having their wisdom teeth removed. However, this can lead to a number of dental health complications. For example, these teeth can put pressure on your other teeth, which may lead to the development of alignment issues. Additionally, it is possible for these teeth to become infected, which can be extremely painful and hazardous as this infection may be able to spread to other parts of your mouth and body.

Do Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Fully Emerged To Have Them Removed?

There is a common misconception that a dentist will only be able to remove wisdom teeth that have fully emerged from the gums. While this can make removing the wisdom teeth easier, there can be times where it is necessary to surgically cut out the wisdom teeth. Often, this may be due to infection or the incoming wisdom teeth threatening the alignment of the other teeth. In order to perform this procedure, the dentist will cut away the gums around the wisdom tooth so that it can be pulled out.

How Long Will It Take For You To Recover From Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

It can be common for some patients to avoid having their wisdom teeth removed because they are concerned about needing to have a long recovery following this procedure. Luckily, you should be aware that the recovery from a wisdom tooth removal is fairly short. Patients will typically be rather sore and sedated during the first day of the recovery. However, the following couple of days will show the patient dramatically improved, and they should be able to resume their normal daily routine after the first couple of days following this procedure.

You can help to expedite your healing by making sure to keep your mouth clean. To help with this, your dentist will likely prescribe you a mouthwash to use or they may give you directions for making and using a saltwater rinse. By making sure that you follow your dentist's treatment recommendations, you can help keep your mouth clean, which will help to ensure you heal as quickly as possible.

For a dentist in your area, contact an office such as Crystal Dental Care.

About Me

FAQs About Pregnancy and Dental Health

During pregnancy, expectant mothers have to deal with a host of changes to their bodies. I was surprised to learn that part of those changes is to your dental health. I was not aware that hormonal changes could mean an increased risk of gum infection and other dental problems. Luckily for me, my dentist was prepared to handle any problems that I experienced during my pregnancy. I created this blog to help other expectant mothers understand the changes that their dental health could experience throughout their pregnancies and the possible ramifications those changes could have on their pregnancies and the health of their unborn children.



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