An in-office tooth whitening procedure can be just the thing to provide you with the whiter smile that you desire. Your dentist has access to and the training to use more advanced procedures than what you can purchase at your corner drug store. Proper care of your smile after the whitening procedure will further help ensure that your teeth stay bright for as long as possible.
Tip #1: Be Patient
The pores on your teeth are open after a whitening procedure, which makes them more prone to staining. This is why you should wait at least 48 hours before eating or drinking dark colored foods and beverages. These include soda, coffee, tea, fruit juices, red wine, and mustard. If a food item is able to stain fabric, it is able to stain your teeth.
Tip #2: Just Say No
Tobacco products pose the same problem as dark colored foods – they stain your teeth. Since your teeth are more prone to staining for the first two days after the whitening procedure, it's a good idea to skip the cigarettes or chewing tobacco for at least this period of time. It's even better if you quit completely – it'll keep your smile whiter in the long run.
Tip #3: Use A Straw
Dark drinks can still stain, even after 48 hours, which can shorten the effects of the whitening procedure. This means you will have to get whitening done more often. You can help prevent this problem by switching to a straw when possible. This way the bulk of those dark beverages bypass your teeth.
Tip #4: Watch For Sensitivity
Whitening procedures can sometimes result in temporary tooth sensitivity. If you experience this, avoid extremely hot or extremely cold foods until the sensitivity fades. Using a straw for cold beverages, even water, also helps mitigate sensitivity. To further help prevent sensitivity, brush with a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth. The sensitivity is caused by the same revealing of the pores that causes staining in the first 48 hours, so sensitivity also typically fades within that same period.
Tip #5: Maintain Good Habits
Finally, stay on top of your normal dental hygiene care. Continue to brush and floss twice daily. An electric toothbrush can ensure that you get into every hard to reach area so that staining foods are removed. After eating a dark-colored food or drinking a dark drink, brush or swish your mouth out with clear water to minimize new stains. It's also a good idea to meet with a general dentist twice yearly for a full cleaning.