Three Bad Habits That Could Be Causing Your Teeth To Demineralize

Do your teeth have irregularly shaped white spots on their surface? These white spots are usually a sign of demineralization under intact enamel, and in some patients, they are a sign that dental caries are just around the corner. The white spots are formed when dental bacteria are able to penetrate the enamel layer of the teeth and leech calcium out of the underlying structures.  Often, demineralization of this type is caused by, or at least made worse by, some bad habits, and if you break those habits, you can prevent the issue from becoming worse and developing into full-blown tooth decay.

Drinking soda and other acidic beverages.

Drinking a lot of acidic beverages, such as soda and orange juice, weakens the tooth enamel, which makes it easier for bacteria to work their way in and leech out the calcium. Acidic foods, such as tomato sauce, citrus fruits, and artificial sweeteners can also cause this problem. Try to eliminate these foods and beverages from your diet. Drink more water instead of soda. If you want to keep drinking juice, make it fresh vegetable and apple juices, rather than citrus. Try limiting your tomato sauce intake, and choose berries and other non-citrus fruits over oranges and grapefruits.

Sleeping with your mouth open.

When you sleep with your mouth open, your mouth becomes dry. Without a lot of saliva around, the bacteria in your mouth will have a heyday, contributing to the formation of white spots and eventually tooth decay. If you think you may be sleeping with your mouth open because your nasal passages are blocked, talk to your physician about nasal decongestant medications that make it easier for you to breathe through your nose at night. You may also find that applying a nasal strip, which sticks to the bridge of your nose to hold your nostrils open, helps you breath at night.

Taking poor care of your teeth.

This last habit is unfortunately common. Many people neglect to brush their teeth twice per day as is recommended by experts. Even if they do brush twice a day, they may speed through the process. Make sure you're brushing for the full recommended 2 minutes twice per day. Set a timer to ensure you spend enough time. Without this care, bacteria will proliferate in your mouth and continue to make your white spots worse – possibly leading to cavities and tooth decay. In addition to brushing, make sure you floss daily and see your dentist regularly for checkups.

If you break the habits above, you may find that your white spots slowly disappear – it depends on their severity. At the very least, however, you'll prevent them from getting worse.

For more information, contact Sun Dental & Orthodontics or a similar location.

About Me

FAQs About Pregnancy and Dental Health

During pregnancy, expectant mothers have to deal with a host of changes to their bodies. I was surprised to learn that part of those changes is to your dental health. I was not aware that hormonal changes could mean an increased risk of gum infection and other dental problems. Luckily for me, my dentist was prepared to handle any problems that I experienced during my pregnancy. I created this blog to help other expectant mothers understand the changes that their dental health could experience throughout their pregnancies and the possible ramifications those changes could have on their pregnancies and the health of their unborn children.



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