Getting A Root Canal: What To Expect During This Dental Procedure

Just the thought of getting a root canal is enough to cause panic in many people. In many cases, this panic or anxiety can be relieved by taking the time to learn more about what really goes on during this procedure. So before you decide to avoid your upcoming root canal appointment, take a moment to review the step-by-step guide below. By the time you make it to the final step, you may just find that getting a root canal is not nearly as scary as you initially thought.

Step 1: Preparing The Tooth

Your endotontist will begin by numbing your tooth using a local anesthetic. This will prevent you from experiencing any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Once the tooth and gums are numb, your dentist will place a small piece of rubber, known as a dental dam, over your tooth in order to isolate it from surrounding teeth and prevent it from becoming filled with saliva during the procedure.

Finally, a small hole will be drilled into your tooth. Your tooth is now ready to undergo a root canal.

Step 2: Removing Decay

Your dentist will begin by removing all decay and bacteria from inside your tooth. This is done using small dental instruments to breakup up the dental pulp inside your tooth. Clean water and suction are then used to wash the pulp and bacteria out of the mouth

Step 3: Removing Nerve

After all decayed enamel has been removed, your dentist will begin scraping the walls of the canals inside your tooth with root canal files. These files are extremely small and gradually increase in size allowing your dentist to thoroughly clean out your tooth and effectively remove the nerve endings in the tooth. This will prevent the tooth from decaying further. More importantly, this will prevent you from experiencing anymore pain in conjunction with the existing decay.

Step  4: Treating The Tooth

Decaying teeth often develop bacterial infections known as abscesses. If your tooth is infected, your endodontist will need to treat this infection by placing an antibacterial medication directly into the tooth. In some cases, you may also be required to take prescription antibiotics for several days following the procedure in order to make sure the infection is completely eliminated.

Step 5: Sealing The Tooth

Finally, your dentist will fill in your tooth using a rubber compound known as gutta percha. Using this compound to fill in the hole left behind by a root canal will help to prevent the tooth from collapsing and provide your tooth with the strength it needs to bite and chew your food.

Since root canals will often leave the tooth thin and deformed, a dental crown will often be placed over the tooth once it is filled. This restores the look of the tooth and provides for an even higher level of function. For more information on endodontics, click here.

About Me

FAQs About Pregnancy and Dental Health

During pregnancy, expectant mothers have to deal with a host of changes to their bodies. I was surprised to learn that part of those changes is to your dental health. I was not aware that hormonal changes could mean an increased risk of gum infection and other dental problems. Luckily for me, my dentist was prepared to handle any problems that I experienced during my pregnancy. I created this blog to help other expectant mothers understand the changes that their dental health could experience throughout their pregnancies and the possible ramifications those changes could have on their pregnancies and the health of their unborn children.



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